February Photo Collage Festival - Day 10

Ted Conner c 1945

This is my contribution for Day Ten of the February Photo Collage Festival.

There is nothing on the back of this photo but I'm guessing it was taken sometime around 1945-1947.  And I have no idea where it was taken - somewhere in Australia though.  I'm thinking Bankstown airport or maybe in Queensland at the end of the war.

It is of my uncle, Edwin Oswald Conner - my father's older brother.

I never knew him.  He died in October 1947 at the age of just 21.

He was named after his father - Edwin Conner - and I suppose his uncle - my grandmother's younger brother Oswald Carrett or Ossie.  

I blogged about Ted's life on my old blog here

You can read his service record here

I particularly like the reference from his old school principal at North Newtown Intermediate High who described him as :

"a lad of fine type, of good moral character, of good address and of pleasing personality.  He is well balanced and sensible, he is discreet in his choice of companions and he has enjoyed a good home training."

Having said that, he did lie about his age to get in to the RAAF!

Ted was a draughtsman with Richard Wildridge and Co. of 12 Spring Street Sydney when he enlisted in July 1944 just a month or two shy of 18 years.  He had to bring with him a razor, comb, tooth brush, hair brush, and a shaving brush.  He was to earn 10 shilllings and sixpence a day.  He was 5 foot 8 inches with brown eyes and brown hair.  Off he went to the No. 3 Training School.

There's some interesting info re the training scheme here.  
Here is an amusing You Tube clip about how to fly a Tiger Moth.


It almost makes you believe you could do it, doesn't it?

Have you ever had a joy ride in a Tiger Moth or flown one yourself? 


Rosie said…
Your uncle was a very handsome young man, what a pity to die so young! Great post Alex.
Postcardy said…
It's too bad he died so young.
I am a sucker for a pilot, let alone one in a small plane :-) Great photo. I have to go and read why he died so young, perhaps flying and doing what he loved....reasonable to lie to get in the RAAF for that I reckon. Thanks for sharing this one Alex.
Alex Daw said…
Hi Rosie - He was very handsome wasn't he - just like my father and my son ! :)
Alex Daw said…
Hi Postcardy - Yes I am sorry not to have met him. From all accounts he was adored by all who knew him.
Alex Daw said…
Hi Pauleen - Always great to see you on this blog. Yes indeed - your prediction was correct. So very sad.
Kristin said…
I just went and read the story of the your uncle's life. That was a sad and too early end. I guess the pose in this post must have been a typical one for pilots because I have one in my album of a friend of one of my aunts posing in pretty much the same way.
Alex Daw said…
Hi Kristin - It was very hard for my grandmother I believe - the second of her children to die before their time. And very hard too for my father to lose an older much loved brother.

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