Family History Month - Week 1


Image created by Alex Daw using AI on NightCafe

Lovely Jennifer Jones from Tracking Down the Family has shared the AFFHO suggested memes for family history bloggers during Family History Month.

Week 1: Family history contributions/volunteer activities that you have participated in

Week 2: Your Experiences, successes and lessons learned about cluster research or FAN club research - acknowledging that our friends, associates and neighbours are our community

Week 3: How we, as family historians and genealogist could be a closer community. Has the internet or COVID or social media changed the way we engage with each other, and what else could we do?

Week 4: Stories of amazing contributors to the family history community - don't forget AFFHO's Award for Meritorious Service to Family History 2025, will be announced at Australasian Conference 2025. Have you considered who should be nominated? 


Image created by Alex Daw using AI on NightCafe
So here's my contribution. 

What kinds of activities have I participated in that have contributed to the hobby of family history?  Over the many years I have been a member of QFHS and the broader Australian family history community, I have contributed in a number of ways

  1. I served on the Management Committee of QFHS in various positions e.g. Secretary, Vice-President and acted as Treasurer when needed.
  2. I  volunteered as a Library Assistant
  3. I taught workshops or presented papers e.g. Blogging and Research Fundamentals and facilitated Library Assistant training both at QFHS and local public libraries
  4. I am responsible for acquisitions for the QFHS Print Library
  5. I coordinated the Research Team and conducted research for QFHS members a few years ago
  6. I indexed electoral rolls
  7. I traipsed around cemeteries transcribing records
  8. I sold publications for the QFHS bookshop
  9. I set up stalls at Community events e.g. trade shows, conferences and congresses
  10. I indexed for Family Search and the National Archives (naval records)
  11. I organized opening and closing ceremonies for NFHM for a couple of years and sought sponsorship of prizes
  12. I helped QFHS move from Gaythorne to Chermside in 2022
  13. I coordinate a Family History Book Club for QFHS 
  14. I wrote an article for the QFHS journal about one of my ancestors
  15. I helped proof-read our electronic newsletter
  16. I set up the technology for hybrid events
  17. I help organise complex events e.g. open day type events and author talks.
Alex buried in boxes during the move from Gaythorne to Chermside 31 October 2022

There's always something to do for Family History and no shortage of tasks or things to learn. 

At first I was a bit shy about contributing and only did things I thought I might be able to do like selling books or transcribing headstones but then I decided to jump into being a library assistant.  I guess the important thing to know is that you're very rarely on your own when you contribute to a community.  You're usually working in a team and I have to say that I have learned so much from everyone I've worked with.  Not just about family history but how to do all sorts of things from people management, to improvising or thinking outside the square, and of course always learning new skills.  

The images above depicting family history volunteers at work depicts grey-haired old people working in dusty dark libraries which I think is an unfair representation of family historians and the community.  So many of us are much younger and many work at the cutting edge of technology, doing amazing things.  Of course I'm still only a beginner when it comes to creating images using AI so I probably need to write better prompts.

I like this kind of image better.  I think it makes family history look more interesting and vibrant and engaging.  

Geneadigger created by Alex Daw using AI on NightCafe

If you're looking for something to do during Family History Month and live in Brisbane, why don't you come along to the following event on Wednesday 28th August at 11am at Aspley Hornets Football Club?  You can register here.
What things will you be doing in the Family History Community this week or this month?  


Have a wonderful Family History Month everyone.  I'm off to Melbourne for a week on Wednesday to catch up with my son who moved there earlier this year.  I won't blog again for another ten days but will have lots to talk about when I return, no doubt.
Until then, Happy Blogging!


Jennifer Jones said…
Hi Alex, I do wonder how you have the time to fit in all the volunteer work that you do. I remember when you were surrounded by all those boxes, and I only could imagine how overwhelmed I'd be, if it was me. I haven't heard of Night Cafe, so thank you, will be checking it out. Thank you so much for linking up. It's an experiment, and I'm very pleased that you took the time. Have fun in Melbourne, and stay warm while there. x
Alex Daw said…
Thanks Jennifer - my bag has been packed twice. Time now to take some stuff out. But what ?? Thank you for getting me back into blogging. I do so love it.

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