Advent Calendar of Christmas Memories - December 9 - Christmas Craft

Thomas MacEntee of Advent Calendar of Christmas Memories says:

There’s a movement towards making items for Christmas gifts or even for Christmas decorating. Have you ever made something by hand related to Christmas? What was the item, how was it made and what did you do with the finished product? What about other family members – was or is there anyone who excels at hand-crafted items and giving them as gifts during Christmas?

Tell us about how you do Christmas shopping and your memories of Christmases past.
Working in a public library makes it "de rigeur" that one is familiar with Christmas Craft and all that it entails. Pinterest is a Librarian's best friend.

We've made some fun stuff from old magazines and books.  A couple of years ago I made a wreath for our front door.

I don't feel it is really Christmas unless I have made something by hand but time is always the issue.

As mentioned in previous posts, my mother always insisted that she be given a pomander for Christmas made by my own fair hand.  This is what they looks like if you haven't heard of them before.

The Advent Calendar of Christmas Memories (ACCM) allows you to share your family’s holiday history twenty-four different ways during December! Learn more at 


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