Advent Calendar of Christmas Memories - December 7 - Christmas Television & Movies

a photo of a tv screen in Edinburgh in the early 1960s
A photo of the TV screen in Edinburgh circa 1963

Thomas MacEntee of Advent Calendar of Christmas Memories says:

Whether it is the movie It’s A Wonderful Life or A Charlie Brown Christmas on the telly, what is your favorite television program or movie? What are your memories of first seeing it as a child and did your family have certain traditions related to the show or movie? Are there different versions (such as The Christmas Carol) and have you found modern favorites?
Tell us about your favorite Christmas television program or movie and your memories of Christmases past.

This is such a difficult question to answer because we weren't really into watching movies at Christmas time.  We would always joke about how television was the "worst" during Summer holidays.  It's not the ratings season so only really bad stuff was shown like "The Robe".  If there was anything that we watched on the telly it was probably the Edinburgh Military Tattoo but that was more New Year's Eve yes? 

And of course, in Australia, it is absolutely sacrosanct to watch the start of the Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race on Boxing Day.  And then of course, the cricket.

As the years passed of course we got VCRs and now we have DVD players and we can choose what we like.  If I had to choose a movie that had a Christmas theme then it would be Love Actually.  But really I love Amelie so much too that even though it mightn't have a Christmas flavour I would choose to watch it.  My daughter and I are thinking of watching Seinfeld on Christmas day. Sacrilegious I know but chilling out and laughing on Christmas Day...I can't think of anything better.

PS If anyone can tell me what is on the box in that first picture from Edinburgh days circa 1963 I'd be most interested.

The Advent Calendar of Christmas Memories (ACCM) allows you to share your family’s holiday history twenty-four different ways during December! Learn more at


Unknown said…
I absolutely loved all the Christmas specials like A Year Without Santa Claus, Frosty the Snowman & Rudolph & the Island of Misfit Toys! They used to be on for the week or so before Christmas. I was so disappointed when my kids were little because they didn't really have many on TV anymore. You can watch them all on Youtube now. I'm going to have the Heat Miser song stuck in my head all day long :)
Alex Daw said…
Now you've made me look that up and doubtless I will have it in my head too! Ear worm!

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