Advent Calendar of Christmas Memories - December 11 - Christmas at Church

Thomas MacEntee of Advent Calendar of Christmas Memories says:

There are a variety of activities at Church during Christmastime, and they can vary based on your denomination or church. From the lighting of the Advent Wreath to Midnight Mass or Christmas Eve church services, for many, church is a central focus of the Christmas holiday.
If you are not a church goer, did you grow up in a family that went to church activities during Christmas – what are your memories?
Hmmm.....well let me say up front that we're not church goers.  My family tended to believe that your faith was a private matter.  If we went to church, it was usually to a cathedral for a bit of pomp and circumstance.

When I became a Catholic, in my thirties, I do remember the Priest saying after the service "Will we see you again?".  Obviously I didn't give him a very good impression at the time. My husband is famous for saying the only good Catholic is a lapsed Catholic, so I guess that's what we are.  Apologies to those who have not lapsed.  We don't mean to offend.  

If it's any consolation to those of you who are regular church goers I want you to know that I most vigorously defended St Stephen's Cathedral the last time I was there - which was only maybe a month or so ago.  We were there for a concert given by The Idea of North. My father tried to tell me that it had been re-consecrated Anglican.  We had a fairly stiff discussion about it until I convinced him by showing him the latest newsletter available in the aisles complete with mass times etc.   But I digress.

The photo above is of our local Catholic church - Our Lady of the Rosary at Kenmore.  It's probably changed since this photo was taken by my son back in 2006 (probably for an Art assignment for school or some such).  

It's a sweet church for its time - I'm guessing it was built in the 60s - yep - just checked - 1969 to be precise.  I prefer the inside to the outside and appreciate all the light that the windows allow and the cross-ventilation - so important in our hot climate.

If you really want to know what kind of church I like best go to St John's in Canberra.  I'ts only teeny weeny's my kind of church.  But I digress again.

OLR is a pretty popular church.  I've only been once on Christmas Day. I arrived way too late.  The babies and I, from memory, had to stand at the back. The hymns were up on PowerPoint (which was very thoughtful but being an old-fashioned sort, tended to offend my sensibilities).  I take after my Mother and am a bit old-fashioned.  Truth be known, I wish the service was all in Latin - to add to the mystery.

So there you have it.  Confession done.  That is why I became a Catholic because I always seem to be saying sorry and confessing to things.  

It's always interesting to see other people's churches isn't it?  Even if they have probably been ex-communicated by now.  Cough cough.

The Advent Calendar of Christmas Memories (ACCM) allows you to share your family’s holiday history twenty-four different ways during December! Learn more at 


diane b said…
I enjoy going into churches around the world but I wouldn't go for a service unless it was a very important service.
Alex Daw said…
When we were traveling in my youth, I became rather blase about churches and was heard to cry "Not another church!" - ungrateful teenager that I was.

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