Advent Calendar of Christmas Memories - December 13 - Christmas at School

Thomas MacEntee of Advent Calendar of Christmas Memories says:

A Christmas pageant, a Secret Santa gift exchange, or a concert singing Christmas carols. There are so many memories of Christmas activities at school that they could fill a book. How did your school celebrate Christmas each year? Were there activities that also involved parents or neighbors?
Tell us about school activities during Christmas and your memories of Christmases past.

I must be getting old because I hardly remember Christmas concerts when I was at school.  I have vague memories of singing in 1st grade at St John's (now called Northside Infants)...a song with the lyrics "Orana to Christmas Day" - you can read the lyrics here.. and listen to John Williamson's fine rendition below.

I do remember my kids' Christmas concerts though. Parents often stood outside for hours reaching up on tippy toes trying to catch a glimpse of their darlings on "stage"...wondering if the tropical thunderstorm was going to ruin the proceedings....and then trying to find them in the dark after the show.  All the excited squealing and running around afterwards.  Yes I remember it well. That's my little angel in the first photo at the top of this post.  What a darling she was and still is.  

And of course every year we would have to try to think of something original to give to the teachers to thank them for all their hard work throughout the year.  This thorny issue is still the cause of some consternation all these years later, as per this recent radio interview.   I guess gift cards are an easy option for parents juggling work and kids (like I used to) but ... in the eyes of the's just too close to bribery for comfort.  Given Queensland's sad history in this regard...better to be seen to be doing the right thing than not.

The Advent Calendar of Christmas Memories (ACCM) allows you to share your family’s holiday history twenty-four different ways during December! Learn more at


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