Advent Calendar of Christmas Memories - 19 December - Christmas Gifts

Thomas MacEntee of Advent Calendar of Christmas memories says:

In addition to Christmas cookies, many families prepared special, once a year treats to share with others. Popcorn balls? Christmas is a time to give gifts to family members, loved ones and friends as well as neighbors. What is your Christmas gift giving routine? Do you go all out with wrapping paper and ribbon? What types of gifts do you typically give? And what was the best gift you ever received for Christmas?
Tell us about Christmas gifts and your memories of Christmases past.

Well of course in an ideal world I would make everyone presents but I don't make the time/am too lazy.  I have made presents in the past - not always entirely successful but it's the thought that counts yes?

So I try to be original but it gets very difficult - year after year.  I hate giving people gift cards/money but then postage is so expensive these days that it is often more sensible to avoid disappointment and debtors' jail.

I do like to give books (of course).  

The best gift I ever received for Christmas was a real live choir singing me Christmas carols in my living room - that was a pretty special gift from my very good friend, the Queen of the Tea Cosies.  

The Advent Calendar of Christmas Memories (ACCM) allows you to share your family’s holiday history twenty-four different ways during December! Learn more at


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