Advent Calendar of Christmas Memories - December 10 - Christmas Traditions

Thomas MacEntee of Advent Calendar of Christmas Memories says:

So many of us have family traditions related to Christmas that we learned as children and we still keep to this day. Do you know how your traditions started – is there a “backstory” to each one? What about starting new traditions – how do you start and then keep the tradition going? Are there any traditions which you disliked and that you refuse to keep?
Tell us about your family’s Christmas traditions and your memories of Christmases past.

It's a bit difficult to think of Christmas traditions as such because we don't really have any.  I always have to look up when I'm supposed to take the tree down because I always forget. 

It used to be a tradition to put coins in the pudding but it's too hot in Queensland to eat pudding so I don't have to worry about that - but I do miss that surprise.  

The Virago group on Librarything has a tradition of Secret Santa every year and I have enjoyed participating in that in the past but I didn't have my act together this year...sob.  Here is a photo of the haul a couple of years ago.

Every year at our family history society we have a hamper for those less fortunate than ourselves and we fill it with tins of food and other goodies and give it to the Salvos.  Most years I turn up at the library and curse myself for forgetting to bring something.  This year I remembered - hoorah!  

The good traditions for me are the ones that involve charity.  I like the tradition we have at work every year of donating new books or $ for books for children.  I like ABC's tradition every year of collecting presents for kids in care.  Those traditions are meaningful and worth keeping.

The Advent Calendar of Christmas Memories (ACCM) allows you to share your family’s holiday history twenty-four different ways during December! Learn more at


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