Advent Calendar of Christmas Memories - December 3 - Christmas Music

Thomas MacEntee from Advent Calendar Geneabloggers says:

Christmas carols, church music and even more modern novelty songs are all a big part of our Christmas memories. What songs were your favorites as a child and are they still your favorites or do you have new ones? What about your parents or family members – were there certain songs or types of Christmas music played during the season? And how would you describe the type of Christmas music you like?
I do like a bit of refined music at Christmas, so I do.  After shopping in malls over the Christmas period, one rather tires of Bing Crosby et al. 

I still have my father's old records (as pictured above) which used to be brought out every Christmas. 

So for me, I do like a bit of Handel and a bit of organ music....sprinkled with a a few, nay a lot, of choristers, and I'm in heaven.

In fact I'm off to hear Handel's Messiah this weekend at QPAC.

You can enjoy King's College Cambridge doing their version below.  What's not to like?

The Advent Calendar of Christmas Memories (ACCM) allows you to share your family’s holiday history twenty-four different ways during December! Learn more at


I love Handel's Messiah too! It's so inspiring and beautiful.

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