X is for Xtinction, Xpertise and Xcite #A-ZChallenge
Welcome to Day 24 of the #AtoZChallenge. Don't know what the AtoZChallenge is? Find out more here.
My theme is about Family History Societies. What they are, How they work, Who is in them, Why they exist.
And which ones begin with X !
Um - none that I could find :(
Are we just facing the inevitable extinction of family history societies. In this day and age of labour saving devices and smart technology we seem to have less and less time. Are Societies an old fangled concept, implying restricted access to information that should be free and shared anyway on the wonderful interweb? And yes, I am being deliberately provocative here. Does family history even matter for goodness sake? Can we ever learn from the past? I am a slow learner at the best of times. Maybe my time would be better employed in housework or making quilts and using up that wool I seem to be very good at collecting. How can we not seem like quaint dinosaurs that are past their use by date and of true value to our community?
How do you convey the Xcitement of family history as it is practiced in your Society? Do you document or record your activities? On a blog? On your website? On YouTube? At conferences? Social gatherings? Zoom meetings?
Do you have fun? What do your members really enjoy? What gives them a buzz?
Maybe we can't all jump for joy like those people in the Toyota ad but you know excitement when you see it. If you don't, ask your members what the best thing is about being a member! Is it getting 20% off something? Is it the raffle at the end of the meeting? Is it contributing to the Salvos basket every Christmas? Is it getting a jar of jam personally delivered to your door by the President to thank you for all your hard work indexing this year? Is it finding great aunt Myrtle's signature on the Queensland women's suffrage petition?
When do you get a buzz out of being a member of your Society?
I plug away promoting our group on Facebook and with weekly blog posts extolling the benefits of collaboration, community knowledge and camaraderie.
Sue, yes, I am worried already at the change in behaviours I can see in myself and others. I don't want to turn into a recluse but I feel it slowly happening.
Pauleen - that is the $64,000 question I think. How do we do this? We need to tell those brick wall stories in a captivating way and on platforms where those people are maybe e.g. Facebook.
Molly - yes. That is what we hear all the time here too. It's so much more than DNA isn't it? Another labour saving device but it is not the be all and end all to family history.
I love letter X posts! Always such variety.
It's hard to believe the blogging challenge is almost over for 2021. Down to the after survey, reflections, and the road trip sign-up.
Plus, I'm taking part in the Bout of Books read-a-thon in May. So much excitement!
J Lenni Dorner~ Co-host of the #AtoZchallenge, OperationAwesome6 Debut Author Interviewer, Reference& Speculative Fiction Author