U is for Ubiquotous and Us #AtoZchallenge


Welcome to Day 21 of the  #AtoZChallenge.  Don't know what the AtoZChallenge is? Find out more here.

My theme is about Family History Societies.  What they are, How they work, Who is in them, Why they exist.

And which ones begin with U !  

Societies beginning with U




Okay, so I just like that word and was looking for an excuse to use it.  Family History Societies are everywhere aren't they I think you will agree :)



Most importantly societies are made up of us. And we are licorice allsorts  - that's for sure.  Everyone has something to contribute to a family history society.  We are all unique and have something to offer.  Harness the power of us!  You are a member of your society. Make sure you contribute, even if only in a small capacity.  Share your light with other members. Make your voice heard.  
Above all, look up from what you're doing and see if someone needs a hand. We all tend to be hamsters in our little wheels - always doing what we've always done.  Can you make someone's day today?  At the very least be "Up" ! 
Act enthusiastic and you'll be enthusiastic !

Thanks for swinging by today.  Got something to share? What U word have I forgotten that makes a family history society what it is or sustains family history societies? Let me know so I can make this AtoZ better .


Molly's Canopy said…
A valuable reminder that we, the members, are the lifeblood of any society -- and bringing our talents to bear can only help! https://mollyscanopy.com/2021/04/undaunted-seventh-blogiversary-atozchallenge/
Alex Daw said…
Dear Molly - yes. And in our time poor world we need to convince them that volunteering will bring value to their lives in so many ways; friendship, new skills, a sense of purpose to name a few.
I agree, us and everyone, the fabric of society ;)
Jennifer Jones said…
I also love the word ubiquitous. You've used it well in this instance. The only U word I could think of was understanding which could fit in with your theme. After all, there's always cause for understanding in any situation.
Alex Daw said…
Dear Frederique and Jennifer - thank you for popping by. Frederique I was a bit slow on the uptake with your witty response - yes indeed, the warp and the weft. I love your blog about quilting. If only there were more hours in the day :) Or if only I used mine better!

Jennifer - yes, sometimes I run short on understanding and need to stop and take a breath and use my imagination more :)

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