F is for Facebook, Free and Friendly #AtoZChallenge


Welcome to Day 6 of the  #AtoZChallenge.  Don't know what the AtoZChallenge is? Find out more here.

My theme is about Family History Societies.  What they are, How they work, Who is in them, Why they exist. 

But let's start with what societies begin with F.

Societies beginning with F

Families in British India Society

Family & Community Historical Research Soiciety (FACHRS)

Felixstowe FHS

Fenland Family History Society 

Folkestone and District Family History Society

Funess Famly History Society


Fleurieu Peninsula Family History Group Inc (SA)

Family History Connections (Vic) 

France Societies 

Family Organisations beginning with F 



Is your Society on Facebook?  Some of us are no doubt a bit gun-shy after the infamous Facebook debacle in Oz earlier this year where many organisations dropped off the Face of the Universe.  That was Facebook's call.  Not a particularly good one from my point of view.  But it was a salutary lesson to all of us to keep our communication channels many and varied and keep at least one that you are in control of i.e. email, print and a website domain.  Facebook has proved perhaps the most accessible I think for our demographic.  But you might like to consider other social media platforms e.g. YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram and Twitter. It's a good way to get the word out quickly I find.


There's a strong tradition of sharing or keeping things free in Genealogy.  Of course, not everything can be for free. But do think about what you can make available for free for the visitor just so they can see what sort of services you offer.  A kind of try before you buy scenario.   


Are the people on the front line of your Society friendly?  Most people join a Society based on First Impressions.  Make sure yours is the right one.


What does your Society do to raise funds?  I've notice some Societies have a button for the Entertainment Book on their website.  Or maybe you could encourage members to buy wine specially labelled with your Society's logo? QFHS used to run raffles regularly  but that seems to have dropped off a bit.  We're trying not to handle money now during COVID.  Do you have a donate button on your website? What other fundraising ideas can you think of apart from a sausage sizzle. Do you sell shirts with logos on? Badges?


What does the future look like for your Society? Is it Flourishing? Floundering? Just Fine thank you very mouch? Or is it Faltering
What can be done to Foster it's growth? What skills will your management committee or board need to survive these changes?
Thanks for taking the time to stop by and read these thoughts.  I'd welcome your comments and observations.


Jennifer Jones said…
I'm loving your FHS series. I think it's really important that Societies have a friendly welcoming face on the door. It can be an intimidating experience to walk in to the unknown. A friendly face makes all the difference to the experience.
Strategies for success are certainly complicated and multi faceted but friendliness is key. I got such a poor welcome when I arrived in another town, after doing research for 10+ years, that it took me ages to go back.
ScotSue said…
First Impressions are so important in creating a “ feel good” factor about a group. I have experienced the isolation of going to a new group, where I was not welcomed as a new face and, apart from a few vague smiles, no one spoke to me. I left and never returned. Having someone delegated to look out for new faces and having your friendly “ buddy system” must make all the difference to bringing fresh input to a group.

Alex Daw said…
Dear Jennifer and Pauleen I agree! Friendliness can never be over-rated.
crgalvin said…
Finding that friendly face is essential and yes unfortunately I think Facebook is now essential too as it is where the demographic lurks and sometimes learns. Again one needs volunteers to run and post regularly to social platforms for effectiveness.
Alex Daw said…
Dear Sue and Carmel - thank you both for visiting my blog. I am really interested in how many stories people are telling of less than fabulous first impressions. It really makes a difference doesn't it? I am sure that we're all guilty of "settling in" to our habits and old associations and forgetting that for some people, this might be their first time in town or in the building or at the conference. There's nothing worse than feeling like a Nancy-no-friends. I am wracking my brain trying to come up with some words for the K letter a few days down the track but Kind or being kind will definitely be one of them. Carmel you are correct. Facebook requires lots of regular posts to hit the mark. Thank you everyone for all your friendly feedback. You are all good friends indeed :)
GeniAus said…
Friendly Faces will encourage newbies to return to our societies.

Our Group is looking forward to our next Bunning's barbeque - a great way to boost society funds.

Our small Group has a Facebook Page, https://www.facebook.com/lmfhg, and a members' only discussion group. Sadly less than half of our members avail themselves of this valuable resource but we have a solid core of adopters, just hope the others will join in eventually.
GeniAus said…
Friendly Faces will encourage newbies to return to our societies.

Our Group is looking forward to our next Bunning's barbeque - a great way to boost society funds.

Our small Group has a Facebook Page, https://www.facebook.com/lmfhg, and a members' only discussion group. Sadly less than half of our members avail themselves of this valuable resource but we have a solid core of adopters, just hope the others will join in eventually.

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