G is Guest Speakers, Gardeners and Games #AtoZChallenge


Welcome to Day 7 of the  #AtoZChallenge.  Don't know what the AtoZChallenge is? Find out more here.

My theme is about Family History Societies.  What they are, How they work, Who is in them, Why they exist. 

And which ones begin with G!

Do have a look at these Societies pages won't you? What do you like about them? What do you dislike about them? What have you learned?

I like how some have maps to show where their county is located.  So helpful.

Societies beginning with G


Society of Australian Genealogists (yes I know if doesn't BEGIN with G but you get my drift)


Family Organisations (via Family Search Wiki)

Societies by Country (via Family Search Wiki)



G is for Guest Speakers

Anyone who has worked in a library knows the value of events for getting people in the door.  Once they're in the door, then they see the lovely book displays you've created to whet their appetite and well, your job is done, the books fly off the shelves.  Well, that's the theory.

Sometimes offering courses and workshops is not enough.  Some people harbour deep-seated loathsome memories of school, learning, training etc and live in fear of ever being put on the spot again. "Susie! What is 6 times 7? Well????" so they won't be enticed by anything that smacks of having to contribute or be asked to do something.

But a talk! Well now, that's different.  You can just sit there and listen can't you? Easy peasy.  Well, yes, for the listener or audience member.

My hat goes off to those volunteers in our Society who arrange for Guest Speakers to come and talk. I used to have to do that as a job a while ago and it is a real art; finding someone who is a good speaker AND who has something interesting to say. 

Of course, things have changed a bit since COVID.  They're not even coming in the door.  Just sitting at home and Zooming in which is a bit sad for our Library.  

Does your Society have guest speakers? How often? Do you get good numbers?  What sort of topics get people in the door?


G is for Gardeners

Now you may think this is an odd heading but it is true that there are all sorts of jobs for volunteers in a Society, including someone to look after the garden.  
During our drought a few years ago, the sign above the kitchen sink said to take the washing up water out in the bucket to water our plants.  Otherwise they would never have survived.  
We have a volunteer who looks after our garden at QFHS.  We even have people who put the garbage bins out for collection on a Sunday.  
Every little bit helps to make the Society's building more attractive and appealing.

G is for Game 

Family History can be a very tiring hobby.  Why not have some fun with it?  A couple of times a year, our Society offers the Trout Game with the venerable Ann Swain.  This is an opportunity to  practice your research skills and find out why you may have brick walls.  One day I really must get to one of Anne's games.  They sound like great fun. Could you make your Society gatherings a bit more fun with a game?  Trivial Pursuit perhaps or something similar?  

I hope you found something of interest in today's blog post and welcome your thoughts and feedback.  Good luck with the challenge if you are participating.  More than 1/4 of the way through now :)


Dara said…
I love the idea of the 'Trout Games' run by your Family History Society, Alex, they really incorporate the fun aspects of genealogy.
Jennifer Jones said…
I went to the Trout Game link as I was intigued. What a fabulous idea, and great to bring some extra fun to genealogy research.
Alex Daw said…
Dear Dara and Jennifer - Ann will be delighted to get your feedback. I think games can be a great way to learn. Thanks for taking the time to visit Family Tree Frog's blog.

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