B is for Board, Buddies, Blog and Bookshop #AtoZChallenge
Welcome to Day 2 of the A-Z Blogging Challenge for April. To find out more about the blogging challenge click here.
My theme for this month is Family History Societies: What does it take to run one? What do they do? Who is in a Society and why? What kind of societies are there? Are Societies relevant in this day and age?
B is for Board, Buddies, Blog and Bookshop.
Let's deal with the Board first.
Our meeting room isn't this swish...in fact we meet via Zoom!
Now "Board" can be quite a controversial term. Perhaps you don't even know what I am talking about. The Board is the group that manages the Society on behalf of the Members. Our Board at QFHS is called a Management Committee. Same thing really. But perhaps not.
In Queensland the Associations Incorporation Act has been modernized and reviewed by the Associations and Incorporation and other Legislation Amendment Act 2020, some of which came into effect last year and some of which won't come into effect later this year and again next year. The suggested terminology for Management Committee is now Board which may sound pretentious to some, but to others may give a sense of the responsibility board or management committee members undertake when they join. The goal of the review is to improve the internal governance standards.
So, for example, the Secretary must now be aged 18 years or older. Things like the expected standard of duty of care and diligence have been clarified. Disclosure of personal interest and having a proper grievance procedure will be mandated.
According to the constitution of QFHS which is the Society of which I am a member and a Management Committee member, our Management Committee consists of a President, one or two Vice-Presidents, a Secretary, a Treasurer, all of whom must be members of the Society "and such numbers of other members, being not less than five (5)". We usually have more than that. Currently we have six of us in addition to the President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. We also have a position of Minutes Secretary which is vital. This is what our Constitution says are the functions:
The Management Committee shall a) have the general control and management of the administration of the affairs, property and funds of the Society; and (b)shall have authority to interpret the meaning of these Rules and any matter relating to the Society on which these Rules are silent.