#AtoZChallenge - R is for References, Reviews and Rights

How many of us still have encyclopedias at home?  How many times have you used them lately?

There are all sorts of references available online now through your local library.  You don't need that encyclopedia taking up all that shelf space.  If you go online you will find all sorts of things there.  Membership of Moreton Bay Region Library Service gives you access to Brittanica Library and lots of databases through SLQ.  Do you want to see if that awful vase Aunt Dot left you is worth anything?  Check out Carter's Price Guide for Antiques.  See what's on offer here or check out your own local library.

Don't know whether to buy a book or not?  Plenty of family history magazines have book reviews as do family history blogs or social media sites for readers such as Goodreads. Have you read a good book lately?  Share it with us so we can all benefit.

Not sure where you stand with regards to using those old photos...or letters....?

It might be worth investing in the Australian Copyright Council's publications e.g. Historians and Copyright or Writers and Copyright or Websites and Social Media.  

There are some information sheets here.

Right on.  Sorry couldn't resist.


Rights is an important topic and one worth taking reasonable care about. When in doubt, I usually contact the repository when I want to include a historic photo or document on my blog (sending them a link so they can review my content). Some require footnotes, others want links back to their websites -- but so far none have refused me.
Click said…
I'm of the generation where I feel terribly disappointed if I'm not able to look something up and get the answers right then and there, hehe. Though you can find most things, providing you can come up with the right search terms.

Cait @ Click's Clan

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