#AtoZChallenge - K is for Keepsakes

Chances are, if you are a family historian, you might also be a bit of a hoarder.  The first tooth, the first shoes, jewelry, retirement gifts, christening gowns, communion certificates, ration books, tapestries and home movies.  You name it. I've got it.

Have I mentioned I live in a sub-tropical climate?  

Being the keeper of family stories, I know that my aunt's home went up in flames in the early 60s and that my parents lost many of their wedding gifts.  They were living overseas at the time and much of their stuff was "in storage" at Hazel's place.  Australia is famous for its fires....and its floods.  Post-tropical cyclone Debbie made a bit of an impact on the Queensland coast recently in case you missed the news.  

How do we protect our keepsakes and preserve them for future generations?  

Shauna Hicks recently published for the Unlock the Past series a booklet called Your Family History Archives: a brief introduction. You might just want to check it out.

If you can't get hold of the book, the Library of Congress has some wonderful advice here under their Preservation FAQs section. And look at this marvellous list of links from Harvard Uni.  And of course our very own National Archives of Australia also have a page about Looking After Your Family Archive.

Remember! Those who fail to plan, plan to fail. 

I'd better take my own advice and do a bit of preservation and digitization over the Easter weekend. 

How about you?


It's a very good idea to digitize and preserve one's family history like you mentioned. We have high humidity here during the summer and it can do a real number on items that aren't properly stored. Thank you for a good reminder to document those things that come into one's care so future generations can enjoy them.
crgalvin said…
I keep promising myself to finish digitising the photo albums, getting there but only slowly.
Beth Lapin said…
I have my parents' letters from WWII and I have scanned them all (and backed it up on a flash drive). Yay! one thing done.

Affirmations for a Good Life
Nilanjana Bose said…
Here from the A-Z and enjoyed reading. Good tip to digitise the photos, have done some, not the vast majority remain undone and open to risk.

All the best for the rest of the challenge,

Debby said…
Both my parents died at home - and I chose to live in their home. I have many items that belonged to my folks- my only regret and when my sister and I divided up the stuff (she wanted her half and rightly so) she died a couple of years later and her former husband cannot be reached. There were many items, I would have loved to have kept myself.

Oh well.
I am definitely the historian in my family. I do need to do a better job of moving things to digital formats. I did transfer our old VHS but there's plenty more to do. WeekendsInMaine
Anne Young said…
Lots of copies keep stuff safe i(LOCKSS) is something Dick Eastman often mentions. Digitisation is not the same as the original but great to have backups.



Anne Young

Anne's family history

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