Follow Friday

Thomas MacEntee says: To participate in Follow Friday,  simply create a post in which you recommend another genealogy blogger, a specific blog post, a genealogy website or a genealogy resource.  Tell us why they are important to the genealogy community and why we should follow. A special thanks to Earline Bradt of Ancestral Notes for suggesting Follow Friday as a daily blogging theme!

This week I want to encourage you to follow the lovely Shauna Hicks.    Shauna has put in a powerload of voluntary work into National Family HIstory Month on behalf of AFFHO or the Australian Federation of Family History Organisations.  August is National Family History Month in Australia.  Each year Shauna comes up with a list of activities for individuals to consider pursuing during National Family History Month.  I've started ticking my list off and entered the competition today.  

Don't worry - you don't have to do anything too tricky like the baking or handcrafts that the entrants did in the first Wynnum-Manly show in 1915.  Just have a go.

How many of the things on the list have you done already?  How many do you think you will do or do you want to do?  


GeniAus said…
Couldn't thonk of a more worthy person to follow. 3 cheers for Shauna
diane b said…
Wow I didn't realise how many resources were available for studying family history. I would love to take it up again but I seem to have too many other things on the go at the moment. I have done a few things on the list but would love to do more One day............
Alex Daw said…
Indeed Jill. I don't know how she does all she does.
Alex Daw said…
Tee hee. Yes Diane, it's rich for the pickings as they say. I really wish I had more time.

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