Trove Tuesday

From the National Library of Australia,
 Queensland Times (Ipswich) (Qld. : 1909 - 1954), Friday 3 August 1945, page 6

This is the funeral notice for my husband's great-grandfather on his mother's side i.e. his mother's grandfather on her father's side.  

Patrick died on Thursday 2 August 1945 in Nimmo Street Booval which is not very far from the racecourse.

This notice appeared the next day and he was buried that day.  It will be 70 years ago this time next year that he died.  He died before my husband was born and before my mother-in-law married.  

What's great about this funeral notice is that it gives me lots of names and places connected with the family that I didn't necessarily know before.    I think the Mr and Mrs W Smith of Strathpine must have been my mother-in-law's father's 2nd family, if that makes sense.  

Looking back at the Death Certificate (it's always good to go back and look with "fresh eyes") I see that Patrick was a good age when he died 89 years and 8 months - nearly 90.  He was a labourer.  He died of senile decay.  His daughter was the informant and she is of the same street address, so maybe he was living with his daughter.  His daughter is M.J. Hartley so they are the Hartleys referred to in the funeral notice.  Patrick was married to Frances and at the time of his death there are 7 children listed as living of which Mary Jane is the eldest (the one who informed the authorities of his death).  My mother-in-law's husband was William Arnold and he is the second youngest.  There was Mary Jane, Ernest Charles (I think that must be the Mr and Mrs E Smith of Southport in the funeral notice), then Clara Patricia (perhaps she is the Miss C Smith ), then Oswald Owen (the Mr and Mrs O Smith of Mt Gravatt I'm thinking), then Cecil Ambrose (the Mr and Mrs C Smith of Southport), William Arnold and Ellen Frances.  So I'm not sure if Ellen Frances is a Caterson or a Jackson.

So William Arnold Smith (my mother-in-law's father) was one of four brothers and three sisters. And two of his brothers lived near my mother-in-law at Southport.  They were her uncles.  I haven't heard her talk much about her uncles - Uncle Ernest and Uncle Cecil.  

There were two deceased males listed on the death certificate and one deceased female.  I've noted a Patrick John and an Eileen Charlotte but I don't have a name for the second deceased male.  

Unfortunately I don't have any photos of that side of the family.  I think much was lost in the process of the separation of William Arnold and Elsie Coralene.


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