Q is for Quartermaster
Q is for Quartermaster
Here are some boys under instruction at Greenwich about how to find food. One of them might have even become a Quartermaster.
My eyes are dim, I cannot see....from doing too many blog posts for this challenge!
Do you remember the Quartermaster's Song? We used to sing it whenever we went on long car trips usually to the Coast. It was a lot of fun.
I was interested to read that one of the Quartermaster's duties was to steer the ship. Who knew? I thought the job was all about food. But then I do tend to think that everything is about food. Or navigating my way to food.
Here are some boys under instruction at Greenwich about how to find food. One of them might have even become a Quartermaster.
How are you going with your Blogging from A-Z challenge? Are you still on course?
Dear Carmel - awww... you are very sweet.
Dear Dianne - Well I laughed out loud at that story. Go you!!
I'm still on course with the A to Z Challenge. I was beginning to think that I would miss a few days because we keep having storms here. Our county is one of the 9 counties declared a disaster area due to flooding and we're expecting even more rain over the next few days. The freeway is underwater between our home and our daughter's university, which is also flooded, so we can't even get to her. Thanks for any prayers you might offer on her behalf.
I am working through commenting on blogs and will start my R post shortly for tomorrow morning. How are things going for you with the challenge?
Have a blessed day!