F is for Flagship

F is for Flagship (and fathom!)

From Brian Lavery's Able Seamen - the lower deck of the Royal Navy 1850 - 1939:

A ship carrying an admiral and therefore flying his flag.
                                                                                         (Lavery, p. 321)

My great-grandfather, Edwin Conner, served on two flagships - HMS Duke of Wellington and also HMS Victory.  However I hasten to add this was not when the ships were in battle but rather when they were in port, serving as a training ships or general depot ship in the 1890s.  

But they were both magnificent ships in their day.

Here I am as a small tot looking at the Victory with Great Aunt Win.

Last but not least, just in case you were wondering...a fathom is a way of measuring the depth of water and equals 6 feet or 1.8 metres.

I hope you've learned something today on the Blogging A - Z challenge.


Wendy said…
I know what fathom means, but I honestly did not realize that the flagship carried the admiral. It never occurred to me that he needed a particular ride. I guess I thought "flagship" simply meant the best of the bunch. Yes, I'm learning something today.
GeniAus said…
Love the pic with your great aunt and... yes I am learning.
Shelley said…
What a fantastic family history photo to have!
What a treasure having this photo. I love your little outfit, so cute!

Your posts have prompted me to try even harder to find the name of my Uncle Robert's ship. Thank you!
You are so tiny but lapping it up. I can ver remember what a fathom equals...not that much really.

Alex Daw said…
Dear Suzanne...don't forget to let us know if you find it!
Alex Daw said…
Fathom is such a good word isn't it...real olde worlde stuff.

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