J is for Jackspeak

J is for Jackspeak

If you were a nozzer, you mightn't understand what I'm saying.  Andrew hopes you won't swallow the anchor just yet but that you'll stop a while and partake of some whales and a trainsmash before you bimble to the bang-box.

To translate the above....check out these websites.

National Maritime Museum, Greenwich - anchor


GeniAus said…
J is for Jargon!
Oh the trails you sent me on with this one! I found the punishments listed on "Royal Navy and Marine Customs and Traditions" quite interesting. They make me quite glad that I'm not in either of our Navies! Our oldest son told us about keel-hauling. If I had to go through that and survived it, I'd be committed to the asylum for life, I think!

Thanks for your very interesting posts! Have a blessed day. :)
Dianne said…
Love this post - made me laugh when I needed one - thanks
Wendy said…
What a funny post for your otherwise very serious and educational series.
Visiting from AtoZ
Wendy at Jollett Etc.
Alex Daw said…
Dear Jill, Suzanne, Dianne and Wendy...thank you all for your lovely comments. Yes indeed Jill...jargon! Suzanne ... I agree...who thinks up these things? Dianne and Wendy...very happy to have made you smile😊
Alex Daw said…
Dear Jill, Suzanne, Dianne and Wendy...thank you all for your lovely comments. Yes indeed Jill...jargon! Suzanne ... I agree...who thinks up these things? Dianne and Wendy...very happy to have made you smile😊
diane b said…
Sure is a funny way of speaking. I'm going to bimble to bang box.
I'm thinking some of this would be relevant to my merchant seamen.

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