What's On - Friday 18th March to Thursday 23rd March 2016

Source: Cropped from frontispiece of The rogues' gallery: portraits from life of burglars, receivers, forgers, cracksmen, smashers, bank sneaks, house thieves, swell mobsmen, pickpockets, swindlers, & tricksters / by the authors of 'Police!' C.T. Clarkson and J.H. Richardson ; illustrated by Harry Parkes (London: Field & Tuer, the Leadenhall Press, E.C., 1890); 18 cm. Call # Juvenile 0166 Link to licence Link to picture on Flickr

Can you believe that it's Easter next week?  Plenty to choose from this week as we head down the slippery slope - from Nobblers and cracksmen to Australian women and their professions.

And don't miss the tour at the Queensland State Archives if you haven't been on one before.  Nancy and I were lucky to catch one last Saturday.  We weren't allowed to take photos but I can tell you that the vellichor was magnificent.  (Thanks to the  Maleny Bookshop that put me on to that term) And yes, I know, that State Archives isn't a bookshop but you get what I'm saying, I'm sure.  

A very big thank you to Cynthia and her team at Queensland State Archives for making our day a busy yet satisfying one....more of that in another blog post...I'm still wading my way through all the digital images !


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