What's On - Friday 25th March - Thursday 31st March 2016

Fry's Chocolate Advertising - Fry's produced the first chocolate Easter Egg in the UK in 1873 according to Paul Townsend on Flickr here. Some rights are reserved on this photo.  You can see the Creative Commons licence here.

Guess what folks?  It's Good Friday tomorrow so there's very little to show on our calendar this week.  

The gazetted public holidays for Queensland are Good Friday, Easter Saturday and Easter Monday. This means GSQ will be closed all weekend as they don't have any special interest groups on Sunday.  QFHS Central European Group will be meeting on Saturday and the topic will be Easter traditions and customs. 

Moreton Bay Region Library services will be closed for the four days.  Brisbane City Council Libraries will also be closed for the four days.  State Library of Queensland will be closed on Good Friday but open on other days, so all is not lost.

But you know what this means...it's an excellent time to catch up with your family! Or to keep ploughing on with family history research.  Hoorah!  Or to take yourself on some historical trails around the Brisbane or Moreton or Ipswich.  

And don't forget that the Medieval Power exhibition at the Queensland Museum closes in a couple of weeks.  Curated by the British Museum, the Queensland Museum is the first museum in the world to host this new exhibition.  The Museum will be closed Good Friday but is open the rest of the weekend.

I seem to be absorbed in all things nautical this week and am working on a post about my great-grandfather in the Royal Navy.  Speaking of things nautical, it looks like there is an interesting talk coming up at the Wynnum Library next Thursday about the Mirimar.  Local Historian Myrtle Beitz will tell the tales of this Brisbane icon. Here is an account of the Mirimar from the back of a photo in the Picture Queensland collection:
The Mirimar was built in 1934 and took over the service to Bribie Island via Redcliffe from the 'Koopa' and 'Doomba'. The Mirimar was taken over by the navy during World War II for use in the Brisbane and Moreton Bay region.
There's a nice post about her here on one of my favourite blogs.  A sad story here in 2012.  She was last spotted by this photographer in 2014.  It would be interesting to know whether funds have been found for her restoration.

Mirimar - courtesy of John Oxley Library State Library of Queensland - out of copyright

Whatever you choose to do over Easter, I hope it is enjoyable and safe. 


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