What's On - Friday 11th March to Thursday 17th March 2016

You never know what you might find unless you get out from behind that computer screen and out into the real world yes?  Which is why Nancy and I are heading off to the Queensland State Archives this Saturday for their Saturday opening from 9am til 4:30pm.  We will be thoroughly organised, of course, and will have searched the catalogue for what we want.  While we can't pre-order items before we go, at least we will be "hot to trot" as they say.  

This is Nancy's first visit, so she will need to bring two forms of identification with her (one containing a signature) to obtain her researcher ID card.  She will also have to fill out this form.  Anyone who knows me well will know that I tend to cart around everything but the kitchen sink in my handbag.  Archives are quite strict about what you can and can't take into the Reading Room, so I won't be taking my handbag.  But I can take a USB, a camera (with flash disabled), my mobile phone (with flash disabled and turned to silent), my laptop or iPad and a pencil or two and of course my glasses.  You can find the list of what you can and can't take here.  We'll need to bring some small change with us too to pay for photocopying...charges are listed here.  And remember to bring $1 coin for the lockers.  You can see how lovely the facilities are here.

Can you tell I'm quite excited?  There's lots of other stuff happening to this week...from talks on Huguenots to colonial politicians.  Check out the calendar below.


GeniAus said…
Hope you find gold at the Archives, Alex. Enjoy.
Alex Daw said…
Thanks Jill - I'm so pleased we're going.

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