A to Z theme reveal

Okay - it is well and truly time for me to reveal my theme for this, my first participation in the A to Z challenge.  I thought I would be the last to sign up for sure, being number 1459 - but there are now 1612 bloggers who have signed up for the festival.  It's not too late to join in.  There are 6 days left.

So, my theme is all things Naval or the Navy.  I am researching my great-grandfather and my great-great-grandfather and their time working for the Royal Navy.  

I will be looking at everything from ships to job descriptions and from records to places so....grab your cutlass and standby for some fun.  I hope you find the posts helpful for your own family history research or at the least amusing and/or interesting.

391. B. Young British Seaman - Cutlass Drill (c.1905)

Creative Commons Licence here.  Found on Flickr https://flic.kr/p/9pu4rp


crgalvin said…
Ahoy there! I'll be following your ship to shore.
Alex Daw said…
That's great news....I'm going to practice using my hyperlink signature now

Alex from
Family Tree Frog
Unknown said…
Hello there :)
All the best for the Challenge:) Looking forward to read your posts during April.
Stopping by today as part of the #AtoZChallenge Minion Activity :)
@sneha_sasi from
Life As a Potpourri
Am a Minion for Holton's Heroes
Alex Daw said…
Thank you for your good wishes Sneha! That is very kind of you to drop by. I hope to return the favour !

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