Sepia Saturday 489: 28th September 2019

I've said it before and I'll say it again, all I ever wanted for Christmas was a swing.  Did I get one?  No.  And now I am old I would still like a swing - probably a more sedate one like this.  My grandmother had one of those swing seats and I thought they were grand.  I still want one.  If anyone is listening.  Anyone? Sigh.

Here are some photos of people on swings for consideration, from my mother's albums again.

Swings come in all shapes and sizes.  Look at this beauty.  Taken in Newcastle me-thinks.

Dolly, Kit, Shirley, Barbara
I have no idea who Dolly is.  She must have been a friend of Kit - my mother's mother.  I think Dolly has her back to us.  All you can really see of Barbara is a little face between Kit and Shirley.  They are on the left-hand side of the swing facing us.  At a guess, I would say this is taken about 1939.  Perhaps Belle, Kit's twin sister took the photo.  Maybe she didn't like swings.  Maybe she was thoughtful and considerate.  We'll never know. Anyone who might know is long gone.

Barbara McLoughlin on swing
First up, just saying my mother would hate this photo.  Sorry Mum.  Not sure where this is taken.  Ashfield?  Summer Hill?  She'd be about fourteen or fifteen so we are talking 1949 or 1950.


Not sure who is in this last photo, but I'm guessing it's Carol.  I saved it for last because of the Box Brownie in front.  Always put your Box Brownie down on the ground when having a swing :)  I'm guessing this was taken in the Blue Mountains judging by the stone wall and the treetops.

So there you are munchkins - that's my offering for you today.  And because swing often means more than just conventional swings...I leave you with one of my favourite clips from YouTube for the day....enjoy!  For more variations on a swing theme for this week's Sepia Saturday go here.


violet s said…
It has been a long time since I was on a swing. That first one makes me feel quite dizzy just looking at it, never mind how itmust have felt to be on it!
Alex Daw said…
Yes Violet I agree. You certainly wouldn't want to let go of a child.
Anne Young said…
I have always liked swings - you have some terrific family photos for the theme :)
Mike Brubaker said…
An impressive number of super swings! All of them, especially that scary first one, look far more exciting than what passes for playground equipment today. I can remember the long chain swings that challenged us kids to gain enough speed to do a 360 loop.
Mike Brubaker said…
I forgot to mention that your link on Sepia Saturday needs fixing.
Alex Daw said…
Thank you's amazing how you think "I'll never match that theme" and then, there they are, just waiting for you. :)
Alex Daw said…
Thank you Mike - so scary huh? Maybe after WW1 everything was not so scary. I don't remember the 350 degree loop but I do remember jumping off mid swing - now that was fun.
Molly's Canopy said…
Great photos! When I was a child, one of our neighbors had a mini-version of that circular, platform swing that went round and round. We used to lay on our backs and stare at the sky as each of us took turns spinning the thing until the others were dizzy :-) And I have to say -- it's never too late for a swing. Perhaps one of those hanging ones for the front porch?
La Nightingail said…
A nice variety of swing pix - some types of which I've never seen before! I used to love to swing - I'd pump higher and higher with no fear or adverse effects. Time went by. One day a while back I came across a set of swings adults could use and started pumping my legs to get some height. Alas! Going high was fine. It was coming back down backwards that had me feeling a bit 'iffy'. So much for swinging high anymore. I do enjoy lawn swings, however. :)

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