Sepia Saturday 353: 4th February 2017


Well I'm going to use a photo I've used before for Sepia Saturday but I think I cropped it earlier.  Here it is in all its glory again.....

Alex and Barbara Conner Leith Waters Edinburgh 1971
I'm not going to talk about the photo because there isn't much to say.  You can figure out why I picked it.

I did have fun though looking up Chichicastenango in Guatemala.  I have to date been remarkably ignorant about Guatemala and feel that I have led a somewhat narrow existence.

The photographer of the photo prompt in Sepia Saturday this week was Joseph Janney Steinmetz.  Here's a photo of him on his way to Guatemala.

I wondered what music might be connected to Chichicastenango and found this on YouTube.

Speaking of music, I went to a funeral this weekend.  Sounds glum I know.  

It was a hot day.  I should have worn a hat like the people in the photo but I wasn't really thinking properly.  Jane was so loved by her whole community that the chapel was groaning at the seams and many of us had to sit outside.   The service was very special - just like her. It was made especially so by the music that had been chosen to celebrate her life.

I thought you might like to experience some of it.  

And here's some great footage of Jane when she was a slip of a girl on a magnificent voyage with her family half way around the world.

Bon voyage Jane.  You will be much missed.  Thank you for sharing your gentle spirit with us here on earth.


Unknown said…
Jane sounds (and looks) like an interesting woman -- what a story! And the music was amazing; it fills up your soul, doesn't it?
Mike Brubaker said…
A perfect photo for the theme. The music for your friend was very moving. Her family had quite the adventure on that sailboat. Thanks for sharing that.
Alex Daw said…
Dear Deb - as someone said at the funeral, isn't it amazing how you find out all this stuff about a person after they've gone. Music is a great healer.

Dear Mike - I was struggling a bit with this week's photo as you can probably tell so in the end I just had to talk about what I was feeling and music always does it best.
La Nightingail said…
I like the current trend of funerals not being so much funerals anymore as they are celebrations of a person's life with pictures and music. It makes the person remain 'alive' for just a bit longer in the hearts and minds of those attending. And you do hear such comments as "I never knew he/she did that. Wow!" One Celebration of Life I attended a few years ago included all the grandchildren stepping up in front of everyone and singing "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" because their grandfather had taken them to baseball games and they always joined in singing the song during the 7th Inning Stretch. It was great and brought smiles and laughter all round in remembrance of a fine fellow!

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