Walter McKenzie to Colin McKenzie 20th February 1921

12 Marchmont Road
20th February 1921

My Dear Colin,

It is now some weeks since I wrote you but as I have been troubled lately with an abscess I left it to Mamma, A & J.

You know I suffered a good deal in Queensland with toothache well on my way home my left jaw was swollen a good bit so a few weeks after my arrival here I got my tooth taken out and the swelling went down a good deal but 5 weeks ago I must have got cold in it as it swelled up again so I went to a dentist to see if he could do any thing for me but he said it was beyond him and advised me to go to the Infirmary.  So I went and they put a needle or some such instrument into the swelling from the inside after having given me gas. A few days after that it certainly went down a bit but as the wound had head up it simply began to swell up again. So in I went again and this time they cut it from the outside; that is a fortnight ago yesterday and it is still not healed up. Of course they keep it open until it is quite clean. So if you are troubled with a rotten tooth get it out as it does not pay to have as much trouble with it as I have had.

We have had a very mild winter with only one fall of snow which only lasted 2 days but plenty of rain. The days are much longer already and spring is already showing signs of coming.

Things are not looking too well here at present as we have over 1 million unemployed in the country partly owing to trade unions and high wages and trade is very much depressed all over the world. However things are coming down in price which is a good sign.

Alex is at present taking lessons on the Violin and is making good progress. He also goes to an Orchestra on Sunday afternoons.

John is still doing well in Glasgow.

We had a letter from Mrs Hall of Northgate and a card from Mrs Smith of Sandgate and the seem to be feeling the rise of prices in Queensland.

Are you still staying with Mrs Reeve?

I suppose you are still keeping on your business quarters at 8 London Bank Chambers.  It is now over a year since you started.

I hope the people who bought my Banyo Land are still paying it up and if there is any chance of them paying cash for it.

This is all my news at present.

Your loving brother


Note from Alex: These photos are from one of the albums that were in the box dated 1921. I don't know who took the photos.  Alex and Walter both talk about taking photos in their letters.  I don't know who the lady is in the second photo.  Best guess is the boy's mother.  If you've just tuned in to the McKenzie story, you may want to read the introductory post here.


Crissouli said…
I felt his pain re his tooth, ouch... funny how the everyday can be so interesting when it is someone else's life. I love the photos..
Alex Daw said…
I know Chris - I was wincing in sympathy too. Poor Walter. Glad you like the photos. Having read the letter several times now I'm a bit more confident of what's what when I look at the photo albums.

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