Transcription letter Walter McKenzie to Colin McKenzie 17 May 1920

Hotel Arcadia 
Pitt & Castlereagh Streets
Box 1002 GPO
Tel. 11560, 6 lines

May 17th 1920

My Dear Colin,

I arrived here safely on Sunday. I got the last train from Wallangarra, the first train being all reserved and by the time I got to the booking office there was no more room on it.  The next train was a special for J C Williamson Coy alone so I got the third. There is some fine scenery coming along from Newcastle.

First thing I did when I arrived was to see about my trunk so I enquired at Cloak room & found it all right; next I went to Grand Central Hotel & found it was full up so they recommended this Hotel in Pitt St. & I got fixed up all right.  Bed & breakfast cost 7/- per night the other meals I get outside. Pretty dear but a good class.  First thing this morning I went to Orient Coy Offices & found we could not get on board the “Ormonde” until day of sailing so I next went to “The People’s Palace” to see if I could get cheaper board & found they were full up also so I came back here & booked up for another night.  

Yesterday afternoon I had a walk down Pitt St to Circular Quay & saw the “Orsova” and the “Ormonde” both fine boats.  The ferries also are great; always 2 or 3 coming or going.

Today I intend to take a sail or two on the ferries.  

You have seen Sydney so I need not say anything more about it.

Remember me to the rest at “Strathfield” *& tell them I am having a good time.

I am

Your loving brother


 Allan C Green 1878-1954 photographer. This work is out of copyright. Identifier(s): Accession no(s) H91.108/455; H91.108/452 

Notes by Alex: there was a pretty picture of the Ormonde on Sydney Harbour but it was taken circa 1930 and of course the Harbour Bridge had nearly finished construction then so it wouldn't have been very accurate hence the choice of the photo above.

JC Williamson was a theatre company as per the advertisement below from page 8 of the Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), Monday 17 May 1920, thanks to the National Library of Australia's Trove search engine.

If you have just "tuned into" the McKenzie story for the first time you might want to check out my first post here. No I am not related to the McKenzies but if you are, please contact me.


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