Walter McKenzie to Colin McKenzie - 23rd May 1920 "SS Ormonde"

Continuing the correspondence between Walter and Colin McKenzie.  If you've just tuned in you may want to read the introductory post here.

Colin has written in pencil on the top of the letter "Recd. Monday 31st May" and next to Walter's date on the letter "Sunday"

My Dear Colin

I have just received your letter tonight and am so glad you have done so well in selling my land.  You have got a deposit that will save any trouble about the purchaser giving it up.  You say you sent a wire well I never got it.

I got into Sydney all right and stayed at the Acadia (sic) Hotel which was a real decent place and it was the only place I could get.

We sailed from Sydney about 4pm on Wednesday 19/5/20 and landed in Melbourne about midday on Friday.

I have got a good cabin with a port hole in it which is more than a lot of people get and I have nice cabin mates in fact I have got the pick of the 3rd class cabins.  Our cabin is in the starboard side of the ship and is situated far forward nearly right under the 1st & 2nd class decks.  You know where the 2nd class gang-way is placed when in port well we are under there.  We are away from the engines and all the galleys.  

We have also a lot of foreigners on board including French, Italians, Greeks & c but we keep well away from them.

Melbourne is a long way a nicer city than Sydney.  Broader streets & better buildings although Sydney beats it with the Harbour & trains.  We landed at Port Melbourne & got an Electric tram into Melbourne - a distance of about 3 1/2 miles.  I also got all my notes changed into gold at the Federal Treasury, Melbourne. 

We were not supposed to call at Adelaide but there is a rumour going round tonight that we are making for it now as something has gone wrong with the engines as I am writing this to be ready for it.  If I get a chance I will get a JP to sign the Transfer at Adelaide & send it on from there if not I will do so from Freemantle. (sic)

The weather is terribly cold down here.  I have never been sea sick in the least altho' a good many have.  We had it pretty rough the first night.

I have not written to anyone yet but will do son later on.

This is all my news at present.

Your loving brother


 Passenger Ship, Station Pier, Port Melbourne, Victoria, 1920-1939 Museum Victoria

Have you sailed around Australia?  Which do you like better Melbourne or Sydney?  Do you think you might be related to the McKenzies?  Let me know.


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