Sepia Saturday 209: 4 January 2014

Alan on Sepia Saturday says

"All that Christmas and New Year stuff is behind us and we drive, full speed ahead, into 2014. And our vehicle of choice is a cross between a stretch limo and a country bus. There are plenty of potential prompts to be found in this image which comes from the collection of the Royal Australian Historical Society on Flickr Commons : cars, buses, dams, men in white coats." 

c. 1941

I do hope I haven't posted this photo before.  It is another favourite of mine but I know zip about it....other than that's my mother (the little girl) standing smack bang in the front of the photo there.  No grown-ups near her look familiar so maybe her nearest and dearest was taking the photo.  Was it her mother or her father I wonder?  Where were they?  Blue Mountains I'm guessing or maybe Newcastle....

circa 1912-1916

Here's a postcard of the construction of the Cotter Dam.  According to the brochure from the discovery  trail it was originally constructed between 1912-1916.

On the back of it is written "To Mick Townsend".  

I don't know what this postcard is doing in my maternal grandfather's collection.  

Why was he sending the postcard to Mick?  

Did my grandfather go and see the dam while it was being constructed? 

And if so why?  

My grandfather would have been about 14 to 18 at the does look like childish writing doesn't it?

Where's the Cotter Dam you cry?  Well it's near Canberra - where I used to live as a child.

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My grandfather lived in Bathurst or Sydney though at the time so it's all very confusing as to why he would have been there. Or maybe he wasn't and he just picked the postcard up somewhere and thought it was interesting and I'm wasting my time worrying about whether he was ever there.

While we're on the subject of's another newspaper cutting that was in my grandfather's collection.  Lord knows why.  It seems to be maybe from an English newspaper...I'm not sure.  And I don't know who the two people are with arrows pointing at their heads.  Any suggestions as to how I might find more out about this cutting?

Liberals' outing - Some of the members of the Cardiff East Liberal Association who left Cardiff on their annual visit to Symond's Yat.

This is the other half of the photo.....sorry - my stitch program has decided not to work on my FlipPal - maybe I'm not giving it generous enough margins....

What on earth is Symond's Yat??

Ah, Google and Wikipedia ...what would we do without them?

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It's a popular tourist destination apparently but amongst the attractions listed are canoeing and kayaking down the rapids.  Somehow I don't see these folk doing that..perhaps they went for the maze.

When was this photo taken - well I'm madly guessing at the late 1920s early 1930s but I'm happy to be corrected again.  

So that's another mystery.

Now, men in white coats.  Well that's definitely my grandfather.

Here he is with other work colleagues and I'm pretty sure this is at De Havilland at Mascot...when?  well I'm not sure but I'm guessing the 1950s or 1960s.  Where's Mascot I hear you say - well it's near the airport in Sydney.

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Top to bottom L to R ?, H. Williams, R. Collins, T. McLoughlin (my grandfather), C (?) R Warbrick
Bottom row L to R man with glasses J A Clifton, W H Elms, F W Trimble, S H Hales and E. Blackwell

This is the back of the photo

So if I understand the way the names have been written I'm hoping that my caption is correct.  Is this how you read the names.  I can't understand the first one, next to H Williams.  It looks like H R and then something like Grenfdale or Greendale...I don't know.  Handwriting experts please step forward.  Also any advice on researching De Havilland at Mascot also gratefully welcomed.

I think that's everything covered off for today.  I hope you're keeping cool.  It is about 37 degrees celsius here.  I'm drinking ginger beer and trying to think cool thoughts.

Happy New Year!

For more Sepia Saturday fun head here....

P.S. I've just realised that this is my 100th post !


21 Wits said…
It's funny how sometimes these tourist attractions draw folks just for all the excited around it, and often times all they do is watch and snap photos. It's always a joy that someone took pictures, isn't it?
Super post!!
Congrats on your 100th anniversary!
Bob Scotney said…
Every one of the ladies is wearing a hat; now that's something you would not see on an outing today.
Little Nell said…
Symond’s Yat is a lovely place to visit so I can see why they were attracted. I’m wondering why they had tridents sticking in their heads? (upside-down arrows?) :) I think you’re right and the pc just came to be in the collecion because your grandfather liked it; sometimes we try too hard to make a family connection.
Postcardy said…
If you were here, you wouldn't have to try to think cool thoughts. We are expecting the coldest weather in almost 20 years.
ruckustheeskie said…
Wow that's cool to have your grandfather's writing during his youth time!
Mike Brubaker said…
A very interesting mix. I like your grandfather's photo with the De Havilland engine. Such meticulous work needed real skill and teamwork, so it's a great memento to have of him and his mates.
Anonymous said…
What a beautiful photo of your mother. I wish my grandma had her photos, too.
Wendy said…
You sound like me -- constantly wondering and guessing and ultimately concluding it's fruitless to try to make sense of some things.
Alex Daw said…
Indeed it is Karen. I often wonder about the circumstances of the photo. Were members of the group willing participants? Or was there much groaning and did the photographer have to cajole them? I love that the driver is in the first one - particularly with his leather pouch at the front - presumably for the fare.
Kristin said…
Your mother looks sort of aprehensive in that first photo. Maybe she doesn't like being surrounded by strangers while her mother/father takes a photo.
Alex Daw said…
Why thank you! I'm a bit becited!
Alex Daw said…
Yes if only they were more popular/acceptable. I do love a good hat.
Alex Daw said…
Thanks Little Nell. I shall put Symond's Yat on the Bucket List.
Alex Daw said…
Yes Postcardy. I have been looking at the photos of Wales on Facebook with my mouth wide open in disbelief. Crazy stuff.
Alex Daw said…
I think so too Ruckus Eskie!
Alex Daw said…
Mike - you can see the pride positively beaming out of this photo can't you? And they had the foresight to date it and sign it...bless.
Alex Daw said…
Thank you Rockbleeder. These photos are precious.
Alex Daw said…
Yes, it feels so good when you stop bashing your head against the wall of "You'll never know"....
Alex Daw said…
Yes Kristin, I think you have hit the nail on the head there...I think she was always quite reserved and self-conscious too.

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