2014 New Year's Resolutions for Family History

Qld Ladies Interstate Tennis Team, 1908

It's tennis season here in Queensland and they're slugging it out at the Brisbane International.  

Look at the women in the photo above from the State Library of Queensland Flickr stream - they look full of resolve don't they?  What an inspiration.

So too am I following a time-honoured tradition of setting some goals for 2014.

Inspired by Geniaus reflection on last year's achievements, I resolve to do the following this year:

  1. Study and or attend workshops regularly(and report on it or share with others my discoveries along the way) - I might try something new like NIGS (thanks for the tip Shelley)
  2. Regularly review magazines/books that I borrow/purchase
  3. Keep scanning family photos and finding out as much about them as I can
  4. Be a more generous user of Trove i.e. correct and tag articles that I find
  5. Create a Graves page on my blog to log all the graves I know about and keep an index of who is buried where.
  6. Go on more geneadventures - i.e. go and hunt down graves or visit areas where my ancestors have lived or visit repositories and report on same
  7. Present a paper or a talk - now this will be a challenge!
  8. Publish a journal article - yet another challenge but perhaps more achievable/less scary.
  9. Participate properly in a Google Hangout (thanks for providing the opportunities Jill)
  10. Participate in a #genchat (thanks for the tip Alona) - the next one is 10 January
  11. Listen to Genies Down Under podcasts (thanks for the tip Kylie)
  12. Catch up on the episodes of the show Finding Your Roots somehow (suggestIons anyone? - I can't find it on SBS on demand - why do I always find out about these things AFTER they happen?)

In an ideal world I would blog more regularly so have devised this rough calendar of what I should blog on what days:

Monday - Report on genea-adventures/excursions on the weekend
Tuesday - Report on discoveries on Trove for Trove Tuesday
Wednesday - Scan and post an unknown photo and invite comment for Wordless Wednesday
Thursday - Review a magazine or book that I have borrowed or purchased
Friday - Report on study I have undertaken
Saturday - Continue to contribute to Sepia Saturday
Sunday - Continue to contribute to The Book of Me, Written by You or some other Meme

(if all else fails refer to Daily Blogging Prompts here)

I fear it won't happen this year but long term goals are to go on a genealogy cruise - one day.  It's my idea of heaven.

And of course to spend oodles of time in the UK doing real research in all the different areas my ancestors lived.

So what about you? Do you have any New Year's Resolutions for family history?

Give us your best serve!

The image above can be found here!


GeniAus said…
What a catalogue of aspirations! It's so good to have goals but don't beat yourself up if life gets in the way of the genealogy.
Alex Daw said…
Thanks Jill! When will they invent that parallel time machine so we can have two lives at once????
Kristin said…
You have a busy year ahead! I have some thoughts but haven't written anything down yet.

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