Walter McKenzie to Colin McKenzie 6th March 1921
12 Marchmont Rd Edinburgh 6th March 1921 My Dear Colin I was pleased to get your letter during the week and to see you had a good holiday at Redcliffe. Thank Mr Gibbs for the photos. We are not doing any photography just now as it is useless during the winter time here. We are now getting into Spring although we had snow yesterday morning but it soon melted away. The days are also getting much longer, the sun rising at 6.58am and setting at 5.52pm. In my last letters I told you what I thought of the country and I am still of the same opinion and I am not sorry to be here as we are now getting into summer. We are going to start a poultry farm sometime but as houses are so scarce and everything at it's (sic) worst we are waiting until things right themselves a bit and mainly because we want the "dough". I wish they would deal with houses a& land as they do in Qld instead of the old fashioned idea of feu -duty & ground annuals & c. The cost o...