Sepia Saturday 227: Saturday 10 May 2014

Well this week's theme is quite easy for me to match in terms of family photos.  I suspect some of you may have seen this one before but I saw it with new eyes this morning realising perhaps for the first time that my maternal grandfather, Thomas McLoughlin,  was sitting on a wicker chair.

Other family photos featuring wicker furniture are from the paternal side of the family.

This is, I suspect, a photo of a photo but it is much loved.  It features my two Aunts and my Uncle.  I only knew my elder Aunt Hazel on the left. My Aunt Trixie (the baby in the chair) died when very young.  That's Uncle Ted on the right and he died well before I was born.

This is their mother, my grandmother, Ethel, sitting at I strongly suspect a wicker table.  I also suspect that she would have embroidered that tablecloth.  I have a few of her tablecloths but I don't think that particular one.  I have posted this before so I really needed to find some "new" old photos.

My Gran did a lot of her travel in her senior years and she got to see all sorts of uses of wicker in her time.  For example, this snake charmer in India has a wicker basket for his snake.

Then I found this most unusual use of a wicker basket - a mountain ride in Madeira apparently.

But, for my money, babies in wicker are best.

Here's my 2nd cousin Douglas - what a cutie!

Picture Queensland sports a couple of cute prams as well.

Infant in a Pram from State Library of Queensland

Two young children playing in an old fashioned prams in the early 1900s
State Library of Queensland

Oh heck, while we're at's a photo of me in wicker....on the Oriana in a manner to which I would like to become more accustomed.

May all mothers in the world get to sit in their favourite chair today and find a moment's peace to read or knit or sew or look through a photo album or just meditate and reflect on life's blessings. May their love for their family weave strong and lasting binds that nourish all who come in contact with them all the days of their lives.  Thank you to my gorgeous and loving step-mother who gave this chair to me. Hugs to you and all the lovely Mums in my life - young and old and not so old.  You know who you are! 

For more musings on wicker and other sundry sepia items go here.


violet s said…
The expression on that wee ones face in the first photo is priceless!
Love that wheelbarrow styled old pram.
Boobook said…
Me too Violet. It looks like it would have been very practical on the farm and country roads. Why are the arms different on the last chair?
Alex Daw said…
Yes that photo has provided much mirth over the years Violet - even my grandfather could see the funny side of it and loved seeing people's reaction. Yes aren't the prams magnificent?
Alex Daw said…
Hi Boobook. Why indeed. I've noticed a similar sort of design feature in many of the photos posted of chairs this week. One armed chairs or one with the arm different from the other. It's almost an asymmetrical fetish isn't it? I wonder if it's the designer's nod to the way we tuck one leg up under the other or lean to one side when we're trying to get comfy in a chair.
Kristin said…
Your maternal grandfather looks quite shocked to find himself sitting in a wicker chair.
Alex Daw said…
He does indeed. I think he came from outer space myself ;)
Nancy said…
You sure do have a lot of wicker in your family. It must have been a family favorite.
Sean Bentley said…
Yes, his head has that traditional Martian eggplant shape!
Jofeath said…
What a lot of wickerwork! The toddler in the pram looks like he might be about to try and escape.
La Nightingail said…
Many kinds of wicker with children and snakes! Interesting post. I had a 'basket chair' in my first apt. but I could never get quite comfortable in it. I can see myself sitting in that last unique wicker chair - leaning against the higher arm with one leg hooked over the lower one. :))
Anonymous said…
The wicker sled caught my eye - doesn't seem to be very practical, and I love the pic of you in comfort on the Oriana
As soon as I a saw that first photo, I had to look at my collection - and yes, I have one of my great aunt in an almost identical chair and pose, and also looking quite stunned!
Alex Daw said…
Hi Nancy - I guess we do! I'd never really thought about it. I think it's a good material for a sub-tropical climate.
Alex Daw said…
Hi Jo - he does indeed. An escape artist in the making.
Alex Daw said…
It is a lovely chair isn't it? Thank you for your kind comments.
Alex Daw said…
Thank you genepenn. The one of me on the Oriana has been a bit of a family favourite over the years. I couldn't really believe that wicker sled but then I googled it and they're still doing it in Madeira...there are lots of them...crazy stuff.
Alex Daw said…
Hi Jackie - makes you wonder what made them look so shocked doesn't it?
Alex Daw said…
Indeed Sean, indeed!
Little Nell said…
A nice wickery theme but the expression of surprise on your grandfather’s face is a gem.
Oh, that wicker ride! I remember those chairs from a movie that came out in the 50s. It was some sort of special travel film in I think Cinemascope. They showed those chairs sliding down a hill. I'd forgotten about those until you posted this shot. Now I'm going to go nuts trying to remember the movie.

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