Amanuensis Monday

Thomas MacEntee from GeneaBloggers says:

If you have your own genealogy or family history related blog, you can participate in Amanuensis Monday. What is it?
Amanuensis Monday is a daily blogging prompt used by many genealogy bloggers to help them post content on their sites.
An Amanuensis is a person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another. Amanuensis Monday is a daily blogging theme which encourages the family historian to transcribe family letters, journals, audiotapes, and other historical artifacts. Not only do the documents contain genealogical information, the words breathe life into kin – some we never met – others we see a time in their life before we knew them. ...
Amanuensis Monday is a popular ongoing series created by John Newmark at Transylvanian Dutch.

My contribution to this meme is the transcription of an advertisement I found in Trove the other day about my 3 x great-grandfather.  It's a bit sad really.  

From the National Library of Australia website Trove
The advertisement appears in The Dubbo Liberal and Macquarie Advocate on Wednesday 29 March 1899.  I took a leaf out of Diane's blog 10 Genealogy Things I Do With My Smart Phone and transcribed the advertisement by reading it out loud into my mobile phone (just like dictation) and sent myself an email message. 

This is what my email looked like:

the dubbo liberal and macquarie advocate wednesday 29th of march 1899 india state of g h correct senior bankrupt g h taylor has received instructions from n f gibsland esquire official assignee in the above estate to sell by public auctions mister correct seniors residence sandy creek near dubbo on wednesday april 12 at 3 o clock the whole of his household furniture and effects consisting of 2 tables 1 so far on dresser crockery 5 cheers sideboard lock ornaments 8 pictures press lan 1 organ bed stands and bedding 4 wheel barrows 1 horse 1 buggy and harness 1 grey 1 spring car 14 chimney pots 59 inch pipes 24 elbow beans and junctions 3 inch elbows 84 inch junctions 15 3 and 4 inch elbows and junctions 12 4 inch junctions 12 3 inch junctions 36 inch junctions 66 inch pipes and sundries 1 pipe machine and grill it cetera

Not too bad...let me correct it a bit.

The Dubbo Liberal and Macquarie Advocate 
Wednesday 29th of March 1899 

In the estate of G H Carrett Senr...Bankrupt 
 Has received instructions from N F
GIBLIN, Esq. Official Assignee in
the above estate, to Sell by
Public Auction
at Mr CARRETT, Sen's Residence, Sandy
Creek, near Dubbo, on 
Wednesday, April 12, 
at 3 o'clock,
The Whole of His Household
Furniture and Effects.
Consisting of -
Two tables, 1 Sofa, 1 Dresser, Crockery,
5 chairs, Sideboard, Clock, Orna-
ments, 8 Pictures, Press, Lamp,  1
Organ, ? bedsteads and Bedding, 4
Wheelbarrows, 1 Horse, 1 Buggy
and Harness, 1 Dray (?), 1 Spring Cart ,
14 Chimney Pots, 50 9-inch Pipes,
24 Elbow Bends and Junctions, ?
3-inch Elbows, 8 4-inch Junctions
15 3 and 4 inch Elbows and Junc-
tions, 12 4 inch junctions, 12 3-inch
Junctions, 3? 6-inch junctions, 60
6-inch pipes and sundries, 1 PipeMachine and Drill, etc

I imagine the organ looked a bit like this.

How very sad. To the best of my knowledge, my 3x Great-Grandfather and his wife had 14 children, albeit two of whom were stillborn. The youngest at this time, Benjamin, would have been about 19 years of age. Nor was this the first time GH Carrett (Bricklayer) had been declared bankrupt.  A search of Find My Past shows in the NSW Police Gazette, notices about insolvency in 1879 and 1880 and in the NSW Govt Gazette the gross amounts of assets to the assignee were valued as £15  6s  0d.    

My 2 x Great-Grandfather ( GH Carrett II) would have been about 43 years old and living in nearby Parkes with some of his 9 children. 

My Great-Grandfather (GH Carrett III) would have been about 20 years old and perhaps still apprenticed to his father.

GH Carrett Snr. would have been about 65 years of age at the time. He was to die thirteen years later.

Peter Carrett wrote a history of the Carrett family which is in the Macquarie Regional Library collection in Dubbo.  It's called A Builder from Brixton.  From this history I understand that G H Carrett and his wife Mary then:

 "purchased land and developed a small farm at Delroy, just west of Dubbo where they lived happily surrounded by their family until 1908 when they returned to live in town."

I've not really been able to work out where exactly Sandy Creek is located. One source seems to suggest near Warren. Another 23km west of Dunedoo. I've created a map to give a sense of the area.

In the process of researching this post, I found yet another blog to follow - The Macquarie Regional Library Local History and Family History Blog.

How about you ?  What tools help you in your family history research?


Anonymous said…
Well my first comment seems have to disappeared into the ether, I asked if you had tried the apps Scanner Pro or Genius Scan to copy a page or an article and then emailing it to yourself instead of dictating a piece of text. They suit me. Sales of household goods are always sad. I have one family member early C19th who sold up everything every time they shifted town. I presume they bought everything again at a second hand shop when they arrived at the new place. Perhaps that was cheaper than hiring a carrier.
Alex Daw said…
Ooh. No I hadn't heard of those apps...I'll be going off to look for them now. They sound great. And yes, that's not a bad idea I suppose to sell everything up as you move and buy "new" stuff when you get to the new place. I confess that we've never had new stuff when it comes to furniture. It's always been hand me downs or op shop stuff...with the exception of beds that is.

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