About Me

I spent many hours sucking my teeth and trying to come up with a meaningful title/mascot for my blog that would give some insight into my background and approach to the absorbing hobby of family history.

I live in Brisbane, Australia and the Graceful Treefrog is the faunal emblem of Brisbane.

Whilst I don't want you to think that I jump to conclusions in my family history research, it is fair to say that I probably do tend to jump around a bit in terms of location. My husband's and my own family tree can take me anywhere from Brisbane to Barbados and to Britain with a few other places in between.

Growing up I enjoyed watching The Muppets with my mother and laughing at dear earnest Kermit and all the other crazy characters such as Miss Piggy. I hope that I can be as earnest, conscientious and sensitive as Kermit in my reporting of family history research.

Sometimes I might be a bit of a lost frog - being whisked away by other tasty pursuits such as knitting or reading or studying. Bear with me won't you?  I have been fascinated by the hobby of family history for a very long time...since my early 20s in fact and I am much older than that now.  I'd like to think that 30 years of effort might make me an expert but sadly I still feel very much a newbie in this world which is so rich in resources, techniques and players.  

Along the way I have studied an Arts Degree, majoring in Sociology, a Graduate Diploma in Arts Management and a Master of Information Studies in Librarianship.  The more I learn, the less certain I feel.  C'est la vie !  I have benefited from undertaking short courses with Pharos Tutors, seminars at my local family history society and other wonderful providers like local public libraries and Unlock the Past.

I have taken on a number of voluntary roles at my family history society from running the bookshop, being Secretary, indexing, coordinating the Research Team and being a library assistant.  It takes an army of volunteers to keep the Society going and I can't recommend it highly enough.

Blogging has put me in touch with wonderfully generous people who freely share their discoveries, talents and good humour.

Work-wise, I fell into behind-the-scenes positions in public broadcasting such as PR, scheduling, transmission and production.  From there I moved into the wonderful world of Professional Development and Training helping to build a fledgling film industry in Queensland. Finally, at the age of 50, I moved into a new career in Libraryland where I am very very happy and feel very very lucky to be surrounded by all the things I love the most.

I am married to the world's most patient man and have two beautiful grown children.

My life is enriched by good dear friends, an endless supply of books and fine wool.

I dream of going on a genealogy cruise and having a cat - not necessarily at the same time - one day!

Want to contact me? Email me at alexdaw25[at] gmail [dot] com

Social Media? 


Sharon said…
Alex, I always enjoy reading your posts so have nominated you for the "One Lovely Blog Award". Please do not feel that you need to participate but I hope that you get more readers :)
Alex Daw said…
Dear Sharon - What lovely news! Thank you. I will certainly give it a go.
tasteach said…
G'day Alex,
I noticed you mentioned your blog in the online Family History course being run by UTas. I am also there in group 70 so there must be at least 1000 people doing the course. Do you have any particular blogs you follow?
Alex Daw said…
Hi tasteach - I probably follow too many blogs for my own good! Pauleen Cass' blog was very inspiring to me to start with - Her blog is called Family history across the seas. I also like Jill Ball's Geniaus. Geneabloggers is a great way to find family history blogs.
Anonymous said…
I couldn't read this blog without commenting on the tree frog name. I love green tree frogs. We used to live outside Cairns and green tree frogs where everywhere. One day one decided to rest in my hat which was hanging on the verandah. I didn't realise and put the hat on my head with the frog in it. My children loved that!.

I enjoy the way you write - very personable. Your family history is similar to mine. Our families were families of the British Empire, moving from colony to colony. I would love to delve more into my family history but don't have time. However, every one belongs to a family. The families of the WWI Australian soldiers I am researching were very important to the soldiers at the time. The role of the families of soldiers is very important for war history.
Alex Daw said…
Thanks for your kind feedback Yvonne. I love the frog story and hearing about your research into WWI soldiers and their families. Social media is a wonderful thing, so it is - uniting like minds.
Steve Capelin said…
I've bookmarked you Alex. Maybe I should share more of my research on a blog rather than Facebook. It's a nice way to keep track and share it all in one place. I have a website for family stuff but it is a bit formal - not chatty enough.
Alex Daw said…
Steve, we call family history blogs cousin bait. But you meet some other nice people too! ;)
CBen said…
Hi Alex
Hope you are well - been missing your great blogs
Best Wishes
Terence R. Egan said…
Great site.

I was researching Darcy Berg and saw a reference to 'Sandy' on some postcards. I know if two 'Sandy's in the general area who were involved in WW1 - Sandy Ferguson (Beaudesert area) and I seem to recall a Sandy Duncan (Canungra area) but that's totally from memory.

Alex Daw said…
Dear Terence - Thank you for your kind words. And right back at you for your great Facebook page. I'm sure that Sandy Duncan must have been connected to my husband's Duncans somehow.
pete said…
Hi Alex
What A great site.
we have common relatives.
my deceased wife was Leila Vonnie Bull [nee Smith] daughter of Cecil Ambrose Smith & Delilah Reinhardt
I have not been able to find what happened to Cecil after he left his job @ the bayside home
I wonder if you can help??
Alex Daw said…
Hi Pete Good to hear from you. Sorry for taking a while to reply. It took me a while to figure out who Cecil was...now I've searched my blog I see he was one of my husband's mother's uncles. She didn't mention her uncles to me (or I wasn't listening). It looks like he ended up in Lake Sherrin Homes, Thornlands according to electoral rolls for 1980. Is that the bayside home you mention? He was in caravan parks around Hollywell and Coombabah before that. There are quite a few Cecil Smiths on the Ryerson Index but no Cecil Ambrose Smiths listed. It is difficult to tell from all the Cecil Smiths listed on the Ryerson Index if any of them could be him. I'm sorry I can't be of more help.

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