Walter McKenzie to Colin McKenzie 6th April 1921

12 Marchmont Road

6th April 1921

My Dear Colin,

I don't think any of us wrote last week so I am just writing a short note to let you know that we are all right. We have not heard from you for a few weeks now but expect a mail soon.

You will see from the papers that we have another coal strike with the prospect of the railwaymen and transport workers joining. Just when things are beginning to right themselves we have more trouble. However things must be put on a self paying basis. Up till present the Government have had control of the mines and it is only now when they have let go the control that the coalowners are trying to reduce the wages. The railways are under government control too but it is later on when they are to be decontroled (sic). 

We are now getting into lovely weather and with the trees & bushes coming into leaf again and the birds busy; it makes this country perfect. We have the clocks put on one hour so that gives us fine & long light at night.

We had Aunt Kate and her "intended" here on the Glasgow Spring holiday 28th March. John was also through for that week end as he had the Monday too. Aunt Kate looks pretty much the same as when I went away (this is the first time I have seen her as I have not been through to Glasgow yet) Perhaps you have not heard that she is going to be married too (to a Mr Urquhart a widower with one child, a daughter of 3 years) Mr Urquhart is a painter and has just started on his own. He is a working man but as I only saw him for about 10 minutes at night I can not say much about him.

Mamma has been troubled with her eyes so she went to a Specialist but got no further information from him that what she already knew in Brisbane except that she had got cold behind the eyes and he gave her a bottle of medicine to take away the inflamation (sic). Her eyes are a little better now she thinks.

I am still attending the Infirmary as you see I have had a bad time too with my cheek.

Alex is busy at nights practicing the violin and I must say he is improving greatly.

Trade in this country is very depressed and jobs are scarce so the only thing to do is to hand on to whatever work we are at as we might be left outside altogether so we are all at our usual jobs. any one asking about me tell them I want to be remembered to them and especially Janet Campbell.

I hope you are keeping well yourself and doing well in your business.

Your loving brother


Note from Alex: Written in top left hand corner of letter pencil "Replied to 7/5/21". The photo is from the album dated 1921.

If you've just tuned in to the McKenzie story, you may want to read the introductory post here.


diane b said…
another interesting one
Alex Daw said…
Dear Diane - I've grown quite attached to those letters. Standby for update.

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