A Wedding and a Will before breakfast

Wedding cake for June's wedding crafted by Kit McLoughlin (nee Forfar) - my maternal grandmother

A short post today.  I just had to crow about finding a marriage between Edward Forfar and Mary Kinniburgh this morning before breakfast.

As I sat down with my early morning cuppa, I was chuffed to find a reply to a query I made to the Prince George Genealogical Society in my Inbox.  An exchange of emails made me think a bit harder about where I should be looking for Eddie and Mary's marriage and I realised that I had confined my search to just one province - British Columbia.  So I started to head east...I looked in Alberta - no luck - I looked in Saskatchewan - no joy. Manitoba? Bingo!

Edward Forfar and Mary Kinniburgh married on 10 October 1921 in Winnipeg. The registration number is 1921-038153.  I searched here.  It will cost me about $30 to get a copy of the certificate which I think I will order just because I might get all sorts of interesting information including residence before marriage and parents' details.  Yay!

While I was on that exciting path...Ding!...my Inbox delivered another email....this time from the Royal BC Museum in response to my email about a Will/Probate for Edward Forfar.  No less than 37 pages had been located and would cost me $33.50. Was I interested? 

It may have been a Labor Day Public Holiday in Oz but those Canadians were slaving away - God bless 'em.  And I had five minutes to make a decision before heading off to the salt mine.

I rang and confirmed the purchase.  Hoorah!  More lubberly information on its way.

Thank you Robin from Prince George Genealogical Society and thank you Diane from Royal BC Museum. This is one happy family historian. 


Dianne said…
What a great way to start your day... how exciting!
Here are a couple of things I found, you may have already...

There's an entry for Edward Forfar in the index of Homestead Records for near Fort St James, BC at
Library Archives Canada

Forfar is also in this BC Directory 1921

Can see a limited search of Ed Forfar BCPP in
this book

And this book B.C. Provincial Police Stories

In Canada we have a site called Our Roots (ourroots.ca) where you may find a book about the town(s) he lived in.

Lastly since he was a police, he would have been paid by the province, so check out the newly digitized BC Gov't Sessional Papers. Just searching his surname should yield some results.

GenieJen said…
What great news. It's always wonderful to get these special days
Alex Daw said…
Dear Dianne - what a good friend you are ...I had found the land thingy but not the directory thingy....or the books or the last link. THANK YOU!!

Dear Genie Jen...days like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3UUWkr4FUlo
Caitie G said…
That is awesome! You must have been in a great mood the rest of the day :)
Alex Daw said…
I sure was Caitlin....I was a little bit pleased with myself and possibly a tad insufferable as a result ;)
Never insufferable!! Just understandably excited. Look forward to hearing about the content. Back to the salt mine to pay for it all :)
Alex Daw said…
Thanks Pauleen...I knew you would understand!
Crissouli said…
What a great start to the morning..I imagine you would have been slightly distracted all day. I'm fascinated that you use my language, even though I'm not a librarian with your command of words, I also get excited about thingies!
diane b said…
Its like winning the lottery. Congrats.

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