What's On - Friday 14th August - Thursday 20th August

Cemetery Tour Redcliffe April 2015
I hope you are enjoying National Family History Month - there's certainly plenty on to pique your interest.  Don't forget to tick off Shauna Hicks 31 Activities for Researchers, will you? 

Here is a just a taste of what's out there:

Friday 14 August 

We all have them, these tough research problems that defy any solution. Come along to hear a presentation of some strategies to assist in solving 'brick walls'. The presentation will be followed by a one-on-one clinic (11.00 am-12.30 pm) with QFHS experts who will work with you to advise on ways that may help with these intractable problems. Once you have registered, we will provide further information on the one-on-one sessions. $11 members $15 non-members.  Book online.

Saturday 15 August 

Are you a new member?  Is it a while since you have been to the Library and Resource Centre?  QFHS conducts monthly welcome and orientation sessions for Society members. Sessions are designed to assist you to understand the extensive facilities and resources available. Bookings essential.

The Master Genealogist for Windows (TMG) is a computer program described as the complete family history project manager. The TMG software assists users to manage and organise data, images, charts, forms, to-do lists, research logs, and more. Our group caters to the needs of all users, from novice to advanced.

Sunday 16 August 

10:00am-12:30pm GSQ Writing Group

The aim of the group is to provide a forum in which members can learn more about the writing, editing, and publishing processes. Each meeting will include discussions and presentations. Guest speakers will be invited from time to time. Members are invited to submit pieces of writing for comment and suggestions by other members. Stories will be published in forthcoming editions of the Society's journal Generation.

Monday 17 August 

Discover how convict, prison and asylum records can help unearth family skeletons. Family history expert, Shauna Hicks discusses resources that can be useful in your research.Book at any library.

Jan Partridge,  a member of the Oral History Society (Qld),  will speak on the importance of Oral History.  Members $12.00 Non-members $17.00

Discover how convict, prison and asylum records can help unearth family skeletons. Family history expert, Shauna Hicks discusses resources that can be useful in your research.Book at any library.

Southern Suburbs Branch’s first general meeting in 2015 is on Monday 19 January and our guest speaker is Annabel Lloyd, from Brisbane City Council Archives whose topic will be ‘Researching your Family Home’. The meeting commences at 7.30pm at the Upper Mt. Gravatt Scout Den, down Carson Lane which runs off Logan Road between the Upper Mt. Gravatt State School and the Progress Hall, Upper Mt. Gravatt.

Tuesday 18 August

Discover how convict, prison and asylum records can help unearth family skeletons. Family history expert, Shauna Hicks discusses resources that can be useful in your research.Book at any library.

Using Church Publications – Shauna Hicks explores an underutilised resource that can provide information on our ancestors not likely to be found elsewhere.Book at any library.

Delve into the large collections of original letters, postcards and diaries related to the First World War that State Library staff and an army of volunteers have meticulously itemised and digitised.  Join Dr Robert Keane, Associate Professor W. Ross Johnston and Dr Robert Hogg as they explore Queensland’s experience of The Great War through the gems they’ve discovered in State Library’s collections and elsewhere.

For those looking for more insights into the First World War, attend a special tour of the Distant Lines exhibition in SLQ Gallery on level 2 led by guest speaker Dr Robert Hogg at 5.30pm.

Wednesday 19 August

Guest Speaker Jim Gibson is well known in the Society as a keen researcher of wooden churches. Some years ago he became interested in researching individuals on the Honour Boards in the churches. Two articles written by Jim appeared in the February 2015 edition of the Queensland Family Historian. Visitors welcome.

Thursday 20 August

2:00pm -3:00pm Ancestors in Church Arana Hills Library

Using Church Publications – Shauna Hicks explores an underutilised resource that can provide information on our ancestors not likely to be found elsewhere.Book at any library.

The guest speaker this month is Barry Searle from The Local Bulletin.  Barry has lived in the Western Suburbs for 35 years and has been publishing The Local Bulletin for 19 years.  He prints 24,000 copies of 52 pages each month.  Over the next few years the publication run will start to reduce as the new website becomes more popular.  Within 5 years he anticipates that The Local Bulletin will only be available from paper stands and local newspaper outlets. He is working to make all the past editions available on line which will be a great research tool for local historians!   Barry loves the local area and is passionate about history.

Have a great week everyone!


Alex Daw said…
I knew it...I knew one day I would convert you.

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