#ANZAncestryTime Getting to know you post


Sue Wyatt suggested we blog about our interests as well as Tweeting tonight.  She's having a break from compiling the Tweets from our weekly get-togethers and this might make her task a bit easier when she resumes.
So it's a good opportunity to reflect on the following prompts:

Tell us about yourself and how you became interested in family history. 

I blame my parents for getting me into family history ;) I was put on a microfilm reader at Mitchell Library at the age of 15 to look for a photo of my g/grandfather. Over 40 years later Walter (Dick) Forfar still gives me trouble.

Tell us about your research interests and where your ancestors came from.

My ancestors were English, Scottish, Irish, & Welsh. Some were convicts. My husband's tree led me to research in Barbados. My g/mother and her sisters were swimmers in their youth. I have written about them here

What project are you working on currently? Do you have a favourite branch of family or ancestor? 

My current project is Tidy up your Filing Alex ! and learn how to use Family Historian software. I still want to break down the brick wall of what happened to Robert James Daw??? 

What about you?  Tell me how you became interested in family history.

Writing this post has reminded me that I want to set up pages on my blog for my Convict Ancestors and one for my ancestors who served in the military. What else could I do to improve my blog?



Dara said…
I love the simplicity of your blog, Alex. Maybe you could add a favicon, under Settings > Basic, i.e. a little logo, replacing the Blogger B, to represent your blog, and act as a URL icon, or bookmark icon. Mine is the little blue harp, seen at the top (or side), when my blog is open. What could I do to improve my blog?
Great to have you along with ANZ Ancestry Time, Alex and to hear more about your research interests. Good tip there from Dara. I wonder if Wordpress has something similar?
Jennifer Jones said…
I love your contributions to #ANZAncestryTime Alex. I think your blog looks pretty great, being very clear and easy to read. I did the 'tidy up' thing during lockdown in 2020 so I know what a big job is. As I look around, I'm noticing that a bit of messiness is creeping in again. But that's me. Always too busy to put away.

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