Trout Fishing in the ....
Photo courtesy of Picture Queensland Group of women and girls watching a man fishing on the Maroochy River, Queensland, ca. 1900-1910 Movies....I've seen a few....this post's title is a bit of a pun on Salmon Fishing in the Yemen which was on my to see list until someone unthinkingly told me the ending about a spoiler!! Anyway, back to my point. The photo above is of fishing - not necessarily for trout - and in fact probably not. Why? Well there is a logic in my meanderings here ...bear with me. This morning I had the pleasure of attending for the first time the Scottish Interests Group at QFHS . There was a most interesting presentation on the Scottish Potato Famine - yes, there was a potato famine in Scotland too....this may be one of many reasons that your Scottish ancestors emigrated to Australia or indeed another country. Here is a link to Professor Tom Devine discussing Scottish migration if you'd like to know more. ...