31 Things to do in August for National Family History Month
Goodness me! There's only a couple of weeks to go before it is August and National Family History Month. Here's a list of 31 things you can do to celebrate National Family History Month in Australia and New Zealand. Professor Hamish Maxwell-Stewart Andrew Redfern Join us for the Opening Ceremony with speakers Professor Hamish Maxwell-Stewart and Andrew Redfern looking at the pros and cons of using Artificial Intelligence in researching your family history. Please register and request the Zoom login details via this website's contact form, or Email jan@jansquire.com directly. Details will be sent 24 hours before the event. Check out the NFHM events calendar and book to attend an event. You can find the calendar here . Write a blog post with regard to the theme for NFHM - Secrets and Lies: using AI responsibly in family history research and handling sensitive material in research and publication. Read someone else's blog post and comment on it. There's a gr...