#52Ancestorsin52Weeks Week21 Social - Year Book
Having stoutly denied that Australians have such things as Year Books, I am now forced to concede that we do...sort of. So here's the entry from mine. The editors spelled my maiden name correctly - Yay! Given that I was only at this school for a couple of years, that's amazing. The book had mini-bios of all the girls in 6th Form as it was then called. There were some extracts from Charivari, the school magazine from earlier years - funny poems from the littlies. There were some memorable quotes from teachers at the back of the book. And some thoughts about what we learned at school. There were also photos of us as babies and some more casual ones of us at school. There's one of me studying in the library, one of me on the sporting field, which is a rare occurrence let me tell you, and one of me washing cars, to raise money for charity. The quality of the photos by today's standards is of course a joke but I am grateful that an...