Folio Friday - Family History as Therapy?
It's Folio Friday and time to share what books we've been reading. I have so many books on the go at the moment, it is embarrassing. A couple of Inter-Library loans too which I really need to get on with reading. This week's book review is about an Australian book (at last) called The Other Side of Absence by Betty O'Neill published this year by Impact Press, an imprint of Ventura Press. One of the themes that run through both my family history and that of my husband's family history is that of abandonment: children being abandoned by their parents in orphanages or foster homes or similar. I have often wondered about the psychological damage that is passed down from generation to generation as a result and or the social outcomes for the children. If I had the intestinal fortitude for undertaking any more university study, this is the area to which I would devote a thesis. Betty O'Neill has taken on this subject and dealt with it most engagingly and sensit...