Accentuate the Positive Geneameme 2017

The fabulous and amazing Jill Ball from Geniaus has invited us once again to reflect on our Geneayear. What a great tradition. Here are the questions with the proviso that we Accentuate the Positive and stop lashing ourselves for those things we didn't get round to or achieve: 1. An elusive ancestor I found was Thank goodness for death notices. I discovered my ancestor Peter Sinclair was a librarian at the Parliamentary Library in Melbourne on this blog post here. 2. A great newspaper article I found was I reckon I found a photo of my maternal grandmother and her twin sister at Randwick Destitute Asylum in The Star in 1908 as per this blog post here. 3. A geneajourney I took was I had hoped to go to the NSW Family History Conference in Orange this year but we mustn't be maudlin. By all accounts it was fantastic. Shauna Hicks reports on it here. 4. An important record I found was Peter Sinclair's death certifica...