Margaret McLoughlin - Sodwalls/Bathurst
Margaret McLoughlin Communion Memento "Where does the time go?" I ask myself on numerous occasions, as no doubt, do you... Do you remember your first Communion? I remember mine...but only because it was relatively recent i.e. as an adult in my mid thirties. Crikey! That's nearly twenty years ago now.... Anyway, back to Margaret McLoughlin's first communion. The picture above shows a rather quaint treasure that I inherited from my mother. I'm not quite sure how she came about it but it is kept in a drawer of her old desk with a bunch of photos and other stuff I have accumulated over the years. I am intrigued by it because it shows the date of her death. I have so many questions about this. Who created this memento? I suspect Margaret. Maybe a grown-up helped her with the lettering. Who filled it in after she died? Is this usual? Who kept it? Probably her poor p...